米开朗琪罗Turtle Troll Mike

2011年06月16日 阅读评论 分类: 忍者神龟 标签:


系列:其他 > Playmates > 忍者神龟 > 93版 > Turtle Trolls


Welcome to the world of Turtle Trolls. Suspend your disbelief and hold onto your heads - the Turtle Trolls are here! And they love to party . Living deep beneath the sewers of inner earth - a magical place where every Turtle Troll possesses the power of pizza. Pizza. You know what that is. Take a deep breath. You smell it, too? That's not just the pungent pizza aroma of some ordinary pie - that's the succulent sewer scent of pure Turtle Troll pizza power! That's right! This special pizza power enables the Turtle Trolls to battle the bad. But there is a price for this power - a price they must pay with their stomachs. In order to keep their power, they must eat plenty of pizza - pizza loaded with seaweed and anchovy ice cream - and lots of it. It is from these glorious goopy pizza concoctions that the Turtle Trolls receive their magical powers. First, they eat a big hot piece of pizza, then rub their buckles and cast their Mutant magic. They can turn Shredder into a fish and Krang into a moose. Unfortunately, their spells only last as long as the piece of pizza - which is not very long. But with the Turtle Trolls, there is always another piece of pizza to eat and a bad guy to defeat. So Foot Clan beware - the Turtle Trolls are close - so close, in fact, you can smell 'em!



  • 多纳泰罗
  • 拉斐尔
  • 米开朗琪罗
  • 莱昂纳多

