

时间:2011-06-22 16:32:46   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

When the power's on and the Turtle tournament begins, Kung Fu Raphael is always the first to fight - and the last one standin'. No one craves the rumble more than Kung Fu Raphael - and no one is more prepared. Born to brawl is his motto. And he knows that in order to survive, he must use every trick in the Book, as well as any he can make up along the way! Having trained with Kung Fu friends, Donatello and Michaelangelo, Raphael has perfected his Power Drill assault kick and has masterd the Foot fryin' fire disc. But will that be enough against the likes of Kung Fu Rocksteady? And can Raphael discover the secrets of Karai? Can he find Splinter and April? Will he run outta pizza power? Only time will tell. Kung Fu Raphael is bound to be up against the meanest tournament Foot fighters to ever come out of a video game. We're talkin' no holds barred, no time out - and no one walks away! It is the ultimate in survival and the ultimate in brutal hand-to-hand, foot-to-foot battle. We're talkin' Raphael, in the middle, sweat pourin' down his face, bad dudes all around, chaos unleashed - and the dreaded super drill combo just a kick away! The TMNT Tournament Fighters is more than just a game; it's a fight for the streets and the sewers alike - and only one can rule!


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