

时间:2011-06-22 16:18:55   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

All work and no play makes Michaelangelo a good construction worker - and that's exactly what Construction Mutation Michaelangelo is all about. Rugged and ready to go, hard hat Michaelangelo's built like the boss woker he is - square and solid. And when the whistle blows - it's Mutation time. Michaelangelo Mutates into the raddest cement mixer to ever grind gravel! But if the Foot try to slow down the building process, Michaelangelo's quick to change back into his bad Turtle self and lay a few Foot foundations. He even Mutates his construction tools into Mighty Mutation weapons: the duel dude exhaust pipes are great at givin' the cement mixer Mutant power - and it's even better for bashin' Foot faces by changin' into Michaelangelo's mighty handweapons! And when the Foot fools have finally fallen, it's time for total work power. Just a flip and a fold and Michaelangelo's a real workin' Mutant machine! When he joins up with his Construction Mutation buddies, Leonardo and Donatello, the Turtle team can build faster than any construction force around! And with a quick Mutation of the mixer's fuel tanks, Michaelangelo's ready for wacky weldin' action with a big boss blow torch! So get Mutant mixin' with Construction Mutation Michaelangelo, the sewer-soaked cement mixer and hard hat hero!

上一篇:运货车 莱昂纳多


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