

时间:2011-06-22 15:51:40   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

When the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise go into unexplored space and nosh down too many alien pizzas, it's up to Chief Medical Officer Raphael to clear the air. Using his highly sensitive Mutant medical classic tricorder, Chief Medical Officer Raphael quickly determines the state of things. Whether he's beamin' down to some unknown planet or attending some seemingly illogical ceremony on the planet Vulcan, Chief Medical Officer Raphael brings with him good common sense and a classic Foot chasin' phaser, just in case. He's also prepared with his subspace sais - there's nothin' like these slammin' sais anywhere in the universe! And he stays in contact with Chief Engineer Michaelangelo, Captain Leonardo and First Officer Donatello with his classic medical officer's kowabunga communicator. But, moreover, Chief Medical Officer Raphael is a healer. He's taken care of his STAR TREK Turtle kowabunga crew mates when they've been sick. Like the time First Officer Donatello eas stranded on some desolate planet and had gone for three days without pizza. Talk about testing the limits! But after a quick evaluation, Chief Medical Officer Raphael was there with the remedy. All First Officer Donatello had to do was answer one question: thick or thin?



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