

时间:2011-06-22 15:44:34   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

Ahh-haaaa-haaaa-haaaa-heeee! Captain Leonardo, former leader of the U.S.S. Pepperoni, is now in command of the U.S.S. Enterprise. It's five year mission - to seek out new pizza recipes and boldly go where no pizza lovin' terra Turtle has ever gone before. Captain Leonardo leads his crew at a speed of warp sauce factor 8 on their mission into deep dish space. A mission that should be as easy as a slice of dilithium pizza. Unless, of course, Captain Leonardo detects any space travelin' Foot (or Romulans and Klingons) with his classic Turtle-tech tricorder. And if the space travelin' Foot won't listen to a histrionic plea for humanity, they'll listen to Captain Leonardo's kowabunga classic phaser - one blast and it's instant Foot vapor! And his hi-Trek katana can slice a slit right through the fabric of space! Ouch! With back-up from his STAR TREK Turtle Teens just flick of the wrist away, Captain Leonardo is in instant constant with his crew, via his cool classic communicator. He can talk to Chief Engineer Michaelangelo, Chief Medical Officer Raphael or First Officer Donatello. And he can relay such critical data, like, "Hey, dude, we're outta pizza!" These Mutant mimics made the sewers safe, so now, with Captain Leonardo's help, they're out to make space the pizza frontier!



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