
苍蝇人 拉斐尔

时间:2011-06-21 15:48:06   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

The bad boy beaches aren't safe when The Mutant Raphael takes to the sands! The Foot Clan can run, but they can't hide from this brainy Mutant maniac! If the Foot have survived the terror of The Mutant Raphael's friends, like Invisible Man Michaelangelo, Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo and Bride of Frankenstein April, then they best get ready for a real radical monster mashin'! Employin' the vise-like clampin' action of his atomic double-duty crab claw club, The Mutant Raphael can dig in deep and pinch with power - atomic power! No Foot fallout shelter is safe when this menacing Mutant stalker moans into town. For quick and decisive battle encounters, The Mutant Raphael slices his way through trouble with his amazin' super atomic sai. And to totally eliminate useless Foot fiends. The Mutant Raphael flexes his forearm and releases a sizzlin' sting from his sub atomic thermal forearm ray gun. The Foot'll wish modern physics wasn't around when The Mutant Raphael takes control of the sands and salty sea!



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