
黑湖怪兽 莱昂纳多

时间:2011-06-18 15:07:51   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

Emergin' from the dark depths of the soggiest swamp, Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo stalks onto dry land, searchin' for foul Foot and the notorious Shredder. Leonardo may look monstrous and slimy - and that's because he is! He's so convincing, he's been offered a movie deal from Universal Studios. That's right! And he could star with his other B-Movie Mutants, like Invisible Man Michaelangelo, The Mutant Raphael and Bride of Frankenstein April. But, alas: Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo is only interested in bringin' terror to Foot faces. He's drippin' with seaweed and loaded with watery weapons, like his hideous harpoon gun - one soaky shot and the Foot will know what hit 'em! For duelin' in the depths, Leonardo fishes out his seaweed katana blade, hopin' that one jab stab will make the Foot float! When the lagoon's teamin' with the terror from a Shredhead gone mad, Leonardo swims swiftly to the top with his terror tearin' trident! Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo is one monster who can scare the scales off any fish of Foot fiend!



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