
隐形人 米开朗琪罗

时间:2011-06-18 15:02:08   来源:   责任编辑:ac*欲打的走   

If you can't see Invisible Man Michaelangelo, then you've found him! After ingesting his secret, experimental kowabunga concoction, Michaelangelo disappeared! Now he's a Mutant Universal Monster, terrorizln' the Foot every chance he gets. He's got help, too, from his frightenin' friends - The Mutant Raphael, Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo and Bride of Frankenstein April. Shredder and his very visible henchmen can only guess where and when Invisible Michaelangelo and his wacky weirdo's may strike next. If they're not careful, the Foot could get knocked in the head by Invisible Man Michaelangelo's test tube nunchakus! And if Michaelangelo happens to get snared once the Foot Clan figures out who's at the other end of the test tube nunchakus, it's no problem! Just a quick whisk in the ol' cool chemistry kit and Invisible Man Michaelangelo can make a Ninja noxious smoke bomb! When he's back at the lab, Michaelangelo wraps himself up, puts on his bandage mask and goon goggles and takes a pizza break. A few pepperonis later, though, and he's ready to strike fear in the face of the Foot. Fright gags are Michaelangelo's specialty. So the next time you see some object hovering, moving, seemingly all by itself, you'll know it's not moving by itself' Invisible Man Michaelangelo's just working on a monstrously new parlor trick!

上一篇:Shogun Triceraton


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