我要评论 交响乐 中国 音乐


时间:2016-08-29 11:33:48   来源:   责任编辑:艳阳下的麦浪   

ONE PIECE Music Symphony comes back to China!
A spectacular video and symphonic music concert of the world’s most famous Japanese anime TV series, ONE PIECE, being performed worldwide (Hong Kong, France, UK, etc...)!

World famous TV animated series "ONE PIECE" video symphony concert is coming back to China! With a full orchestra, giant screen video projection and music composer Kohei Tanaka performing a few new songs on stage, this will again be a fantastic adventure to discover!
It will be held this year in Shanghai on 30 September, in Beijing on 5 October, in Shenzhen on 22 October and in Guangzhou on 29 October 2016.

ONE PIECE Music Symphony in Paris !

  The concert have invited a mystery guest, he will give more performance of ONE PIECE.This time,we set the  quantitative VIP tickets( Detailed information please pay attention to the ticket page).  For VIP, you can have 1 sign and 1 photo with the composer [The ticket link:http://item.damai.cn/106508.html
  本次音乐会更是邀请到了一位神秘嘉宾莅临现场,为大家现场演奏更多《航海王》的经典乐曲!本次我们设置了定量的VIP门票(详情公布情锁定购票页面), vip门票可与神秘嘉宾合照以及获得一份签名![抢票地址:http://item.damai.cn/106508.html
Rediscover the best moments from the adventures of Luffy and his crew through a LIVE music and multimedia concert. The concert will be a thrilling selection of the most popular theme songs from ONE PIECE for an evening of action, emotion, thrills, laughter and tears!
This unique must-see multimedia experience and brilliant blend of Japanese culture is not just for avid fans of ONE PIECE, but also classical music listeners seeking something unique and unforgettable, and families looking for an universally appealing evening out.

ONE PIECE Music Symphony in Denmark !
ONE PIECE is a Japanese anime series. It follows Luffy, the straw hat-wearing, who quests to become the King of Pirates, and Luffy’s crew. Together, they adventure across the seas in search for the legendary “ONE PIECE” treasure. This story hits every high point of excellent drama and adventure; friendship, romance, daring risks and above all, an insatiable quest to achieve one’s dreams
《航海王》是一部日本动漫系列。故事讲述戴草帽的主角路飞,渴望成为海盗王,与他的船员一同冒险。他们一起飘洋过海洋,四处冒险寻找传说中的「ONE PIECE」宝藏。这个故事拥有一套好看的冒险戏剧所需的所有因素:友谊、爱情、冒险的勇气,以及最重要的一点-永无止境地实现自己的梦想!

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